Oscar Nominations: initial thoughts

The official start of Oscar season was Tuesday’s announcement of the nominees! The biggest surprise for me was when I saw there were nine nominees. I was under the impression that the Academy was changing the process to get fewer nominees, but I guess I have a few more to see this year. (Not looking forward seeing War Horse though).

I was surprised by a few nominee choices (Melissa McCarthy– hilarious, but Oscar-worthy?) and snubs (poor Ryan Gosling). I haven’t seen Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close yet, but that seemed to be the biggest surprise among blogs and news articles. I haven’t seen it yet, but it’s definitely gotten mixed reviews, and some were downright bad. (As of 9 p.m. CT Jan. 25 it was only at 47% on Rotten Tomatoes). I blame it on the Sandra Bullock effect: the Academy loves her.

I was excited to see actresses from The Help and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo nominated, but I was disappointed to not see Charlize Theron nominated for Young Adult, which I thought was a great film. (Her co-star Patton Oswalt was great too).

I’m excited to see some more of the best picture nominees before the big day. I think the Artist is top on my list to see, and I’m going to try to accomplish that this weekend.
